Friday, November 04, 2005


Zouk was crowded like mad on wednesday night!

The music was fantastic...but too bad, too crowded. The queue outside was terribly long. Luckily we managed to cut the queue and squeeze in and had fun for a few hours. It was so enjoyable clubbing with a new group of people as I have not been clubbing for so long. It's quite nice to go once in a blue moon. Sipei, Fel and ZH, we go next time okay! This time round was a little last minute so didn't ask you gals along.

Anyway, all of us gathered after work and had dinner at Far East greenview, where I had my favourite liver mee sua! Yes, not forgetting to say hi to the uncle there who loves FM9.33 mukoo mary. Haha.... So funny coz he still makes fun of me whenever I dine there. Elin and PP also brought me to Li Yan's shop at Far East. Hey, the clothes there are not bad leh...I bought a green spag top and opps... see it? I wore a halter top initially but couldn't resist wearing this new top for the wonderful party. :P

The night was fun except for the moment of kiosk there. The crowd was almost out of control and I was almost crushed. It's so squeezy until no one can move and i can feel myself being pushed here and there. There are also 2 people fighting in front of me! Can't imagine that and I can't escape as it's too crowded. Next time, I am definitely not going there on a public holiday eve.



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