Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I Am No More "Ti ki" (To Be Read In Hokkien)

I took off my braces yesterday!!!!! For 2 and a half years, I've been waiting for this magical moment. Now my teeth is looking neat and tidy... hehe!

On the other hand, I am not sure if I should be happy, because it is so torturous and troublesome! My experience at the dental centre yesterday was even more scary than the initial stage when I put it on. Didn't dare eat anything for the entire day until dinner. Sipei and Zhenhui, if you are reading this, please take note, k. The cleaning was extremely painful. Lots of blood. OMG, last night was even more terrible. I start to panic when I realise that one back tooth, where the ring was placed in the past was bleeding non-stop. No matter how many times I gently brush them and rinse my mouth, blood just keep oozing out. I felt so terrible and worried. Couldn't sleep well last night as I keep waking up to clear the blood.

I wake up very early in the morning and quickly rush to the dental for professional help. I am now feeling rather upset than the initial excitement about removing it. Eating is no longer an enjoyment. In fact I am scared to eat. I am so afraid that I will dirty my newly polished teeth. So will be taking extra-care of it as I heard many people can get gums infections during this period.

Today will be staying at home studying my ESAP as I have barely touched this subject since I have been concentrating on the other heavy modules. Should have time to watch an episode of VCD, the one screened on channel U on saturday nights. Hope my teeth wouldn't be giving me anymore trouble.

A special section (^^) for you

Haha...yah, copycat? I know. I am leaving a special section for you too. You bluff me lol, actually I don't really understand what you write also, so chim, must explain to me next time. Don't worry about being too noisy. Think it can be sometimes quite entertaining. Yah, me lobster rite! Sure, I am all prepared for the canopywalk! Going to be brave and not be afraid. Thanks for teaching me how to blade! Lets study hard together! Jia you!

Btw, something interesting to share, I saw Liang Yee, a finalist contestant of Superhost, at the school canteen yesterday. She's really popular, still have people shouting her name or "F5" right across the canteen, like a star idol. The playful side of my mind makes me tempted to join Superband. :p But no lah...better not go there "lao kui". While looking at the thin-framed, pretty lady, I also met Marcus, a polymate. He has changed at lot, gained some weight and not like last time, so skinny and small framed. So glad to see so many familiar faces in SIM this year, not like the last few years, it's like totally new environment with all new faces.

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