Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'm back! So sorry to update my blog for the past week. Yah, have been so busy with school and work.

Last week was a very busy week. I even have to attend lecture on Sunday. Guess I enjoy attending my OT class on Mondays as my classmates were fun and Sunny is a good lecturer. He taught us alot many management theories and how it relate to the real working situations. Too bad, I realised that my lessons are coming to an end very soon. Going miss my friendly classmates.

My last OT lecture will be in January 2006. However, that leave me lots of enthusiasum, looking forward to exams and graduation! And lots of things I'm going to do~

Recently I am influenced a blogger who's also a music fantic! Well, reading his blog brings back my inspirations and drives me hard to enjoy music. I can say that since young, I really love music! Music and singing is a second life to me. It cheers me up and keeps me happy at every moment. I have downloaded and listened to songs this blogger has composed. Although it was just some simple rythms and beats, but it seems to stir up something in me.

Some years ago, I somehow gave up my passion for singing as I want to be realistic. I thought that I should not waste time on it. Now, I feel that it should be something that I should look forward to learning. I am now eagerly looking forward to many things that I want to accomplish in the long-run.

(Btw, I am doing some count down and also eagerly looking forward to my Bangkok trip this coming January! Hoho....Must work hard on my savings plan too! )

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