Friday, December 02, 2005

~Feeling Sick~

These few days are really terrible.

1st is only slight sore throat on Sunday nite...

then comes flu on Monday...

Tuesday was terrible. Sore throat + Flu + Fever!!!

Didn't have time to see doctor then coz I've to work and has night class.

Worst still, it was raining heavily when my lecture ends.

I took 6 panadols that day and managed to get the temperature down.

By wednesday, my fever was off.

Left with sore throat + cough + flu ...yah new equation now.

Haha... thought i was getting better.

Who knows ... I guess it's better for me to stay at home and rest, rather than go work.
I dun wish to spread the stupid virus to anyone else hor.

Thanks to my lovely mama, who boils herbal tea for me today :)

So sweet and nice "luo han guo" which is not bitter and soothing to throat.

Better recover fast ...

Sunday is my colleague's wedding and I hope to get completely well by then.


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