Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas Shopping

...Jingle bell! Jingle bell!...

Kinda excited as it's only one more week to Christmas. I am filled with holiday mood each time I step in the shopping centers. Whether it's during lunch hour passing by the mall, or shopping during the weekends. Everywhere seems to be filled beautiful christmas decorations and selling all sort of gifts.

I'm feeling much excited as this year, I'll be holding a mini christmas party at my place. All my little cousins will be coming and think they'll be bombarding me with lots of questions and turning the house upside down. But nevertheless, I thought it would be nice to get them some gifts.

I just came back from some christmas shopping. Guess what i bought for my little cousins? Well... bought remote control car for the 3 boys and a barbie doll and pink sling bag for the little princess "yuan yuan". Yeah, luckily this year my kor is willing to sponsor the presents for the kids, and he's too busy to do the shopping. I am just so glad to help him spend $$$. Hehe!

Meanwhile, I need to take a rest and will be going to the 5566 concert later at 6pm! So stay tuned... will be updating my blog tmrw! Hopefully with some nice pics! :p

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