Friday, August 26, 2005


I have been sick for this entire week.

Monday... MC... running fever...lying in bed. Taken medicine and got better, so return to work on Tuesday. Who knows, I begin to feel feverish at night. Wah...same for Wednesday and Thursday. So afraid it's dengue fever now monitoring my temperature very closely.

Just taken my medicine again. So delon please don't worry k. PP has also been reminding me to take my medicine. How nice of her....thanks huh. I will see a doctor again if the fever doesn't go off by tonight.

Life is becoming more and more challenging for me at work. More responsibilities and I really feel very happy at the new work place. Well, company retreat is also coming and I hope that it can be fun! I am extremely glad that life has been running smoothly for me.

Meanwhile, I have uploaded some photos that I took during the BBQ, Karaoke session and lunch at Cartel. I've got to take a very good rest in bed already!


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