Sunday, August 14, 2005

Being A Mummy's Girl.

Had a great day yesterday.

Accompanied my mummy the whole day...becoz it's her off day. Well, I just feel that I have not accompanied her out for a long time. So we end up shopping at causeway point, accompanied her for a hair cut. Wow...never thought that I could found the bag that I have been lemming for! Recently, I juz realised that I bought too many things. Well, got to really control my spendings le. Just too many sales around Singapore although the GSS is already over.

We end up looking at Lee Hwa's promotion on their new range of purple gold. Hmm...didn't find it extraordinary nor attractive. So we went to her favourite Tian Po. Yes, managed to find something suitable for Pham BB. Coz we are visiting her this coming weekend for the baby's first birthday! I loved the pink dolphine pandent very much. It was also very siok to look through their range of "Hearts on Fire" collection. The diamonds had perfect cuts, but all extremely ex. Woo...I just joked to mum that she should buy me one for my wedding. Haha...and that was about $3k, for only a pair of RHD diamond earrings. Nevertheless, I was overjoyed when she offered to buy me a ring for my birthday present. Although it's not the Hearts on Fire range, but I am still very happy. Kept grimming for the rest of the day. Even until now... I am still feeling very happy over that.

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