Monday, November 20, 2006

Weekend is here again!!!

But it's always so short and never enough rest for me.

Didn't had enough rest ...

Nevertheless, enjoyed myself quite alot.

Did some shopping and loittering alone on Friday night.. loved the peacefulness. :)

Went Marche with Peg, Rane, Jayson, Danny and Elin on Saturday night.

It has been a long time since the group get together..

The last time was during my birthday.

So was so glad that we had the chance to catch up again.

Aha.. all of us we blessed to receive gifts from Jayson.

Thanks.. I like the gift, appreciate your effort.

Guess you must have a hard time choosing that.

We missed the opportunity to go Mind Cafe again.

It was super crowded on Saturday, and we end up drinking in one of the pub.

I had Love portion #9, and the group is very adventurous to try Breast milk, blow Job and celebration!!! Interesting names for the drinks.. haha

The song was good that night.. to my surprise, they are very new!

Learned a few new games I have never played before.

Realise that I had an enjoyable night out with non-stop laughters through the game.

Sunday was short too.

Attended a childhood friend's wedding invitation.

This is my first visit to Fullerton Hotel.

The place is nice and grand.. wow..

Finished lunch at around 3 plus.. went home to rest and sleep.

Tiring day after a late night out.

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