Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I am stressed ...

Suddenly a lot to learn and i feel stressed up.

Always in bad mood this week.

Luckily the public holidays are coming.. and I make good use of them to read up.

So many books to read and now I understand why my boss and colleagues wear glasses to work.

Something bad happened today!

My lappy lock's password was suddenly auto changed.. and I couldn't keep it in my drawer.

Tried to hack the password but failed. :(

I went to look for the sales person at carrefour and they say they couldn't help.

End up I forced and pull it out! Hah... and good thing the lappy was not damaged.

Went for a refund at Carrefour and bought a new lappy lock with key this time.

Numeric password lock is not reliable.

Permed my hair again on Monday. This time is more curly.. coz i want it really curly :P

Sort of a destressing technique..

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