Friday, May 06, 2005

Seventh Night... Do You Believe In That???

Well, tonight is supposed to be the seventh night.

Do u guys believe that the spirits really return home during

the seventh night? It's something for each of you individuals

to discover.

Personally, I believe in it because my dad saw my grandfather

during the seventh night. He came home with the "bull & cow

brothers" and dad even saw grandpa being chained with very

dark face, touching dad's head and sobbing. He did not say a

word. Most importantly, he didn't walk.... drifted instead.

Wow, that was something happened twelve years ago!

Now, I am still hesitating whether to stay over night at

grandma's place tonight. Hehe...coz all of us experienced

something unbelievable during the past few days. We tried

not being superstitious, but all of us juz couldn't figure out.

Especially me, I did not believe wat my aunts and uncles said

until I experienced it myself. We believe grandma is there

watching over us, and everything will go smoothly. I hope

she will "po pi" me do well for my exams nxt wk!


I am rather glad that grandma can be reunited with grandpa

again today!

She was brought from mandai crementation place to the

guang ming shan temple at Sin Ming Road. Early in the morne,

my family and I were at the temple, waiting to pick grandma's

bones into the ash urn. The good thing is that Grandma has

already bought a place opposite grandpa's place a few years

back. After twelve years of seperation between the life and

dead, they are finally able to be together again.

Hopefully they are able to be holding hands again...

going "pat tor" ...hehe!

Seeing them reuntied really makes me feel much better.


At the same time, I would like to thanks some of u

friends for ur concern.

Suling, Clarrie, Yvonne, Eva, Sipei, Delon, Kenny...

and others i think u know urselves lah.

Also, I would like to thank Guo Wei for coming down.

(Dunno if u are looking, but thanks for coming down.)

Actually I also didn't tell many of my friends, except

those who happen to sms me or see my blog. Coz I was

too busy with helping out at the wake.


A big Thanks for expressing your concern... i was feeling

depressed for the past few days. But now I am alright already.

Hope everything's running smoothly for u pple too. [BIG HUGS]

Meanwhile, I'll stop here. Will keep u updated with more

stories again... if I am going to encounter more

mysterious encounters tonight. :p


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