Saturday, April 30, 2005

Estee Lauder Warehouse Sales!!!

YES!!! The Estee Lauder Warehouse Sale is here again!

Me and my "sales chionging" khakis started queuing at

Merchant Court as early as 9am, althought the sales actually

starts at 12.30pm! Yes...i admit Singaporeans are real kiasu...

and that includes me too.

The brands available includes Estee, MAC, Origins,

Prescriptives, Stila, Clinque, Bobbi Brown and many

other more .... Wow... and it's really so tempting.

I was so glad that Eva, Si pei and Fel were also there

today :) coz u gals missed out the fun last yr!

And I must say this sale is definitely better than the

Loreal W/H Sales a few days ago. Anyway, had lots of

fun grabbing stuffs.

I managed to get myself the following items:

3 tubes facial mask, origins cocoa body scrub and compact

powder, MAC lacquer, Estee Eye colour...etc. All of woman

there seems so aggressive and most leaving with big bags of


*Taken some photos at the sale... update later*


It is a very tiring day. I thought I can get a good rest at home

after the sales. Unfortunately, I received an utterly bad news

upon reaching home. Grandma's is in hospital!

Oh my god!!! This news came to me quite sudden. I was told

that the situation is VERY CRITICAL. So i quickly rush down to

hospital to visit her. It was a devastating moment when the

doctor pronounced her to be brain dead. I couldn't help

holding my tears. She's now depending on the medical

machines to survive. I really feel heartache looking at her

current situation.

Tonite, I simply feel exhausted and upset.

I really hope a miracle will happen and let her regain

consciousness... * now praying hard * .... sob sob ...

Good nite!

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