Thursday, May 26, 2005

Wedding Photos

Finally, managed to meet my best friend, Pham over dinner tonight. Wow....her stomach looks powerful... it has grown very much bigger from the last time I see her. The timebomb seems to explode anytime....but she says it will grow even bigger. I really think a woman needs to be very brave to get pregnant. Sacrifice a lot, man!

Anyway, so glad to receive her wedding photos finally! I have been chasing her for the photos for almost a year! Haha..... Anyway, still can recall many happy moments when I see them. This was the first time that I ever been invited to be "jie mei". So we gals cracked our brains to think of those "mean and san ba" games to play with Mr Bee, Simon and bryan :p But hor, they also very agressive loh! Good bargaining skills ... coz we not sure how to convert Bahts, HK$ and US$... clever tactics lah. Anyone becoming a bridegroom next time can consider confusing the "jie mei" with conversion rates in future. Nevertheless, it was a happiest moment seeing my best friend getting married...and now seeing her going to deliver her first baby. I really envy her being so blissfully married, and a good hubby who loves and pamper her like a queen.

Now looking back at the photos, I really feel that I have changed quite a bit... hehe...lost a bit of my baby fat. But I still like the photos as they are v well taken...full of emotions. The photographer was real pro! He has captured the wonderful moments of everyone there....especially the pretty bride! Here, I share some of the pictures taken on the wedding day!

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