Thursday, May 19, 2005

Hurray!!! My Law Paper's Over

Finally! I am so glad that my law paper is over! Although it's my second paper... still have 2 more to go, but the feeling is like having thrown away a big stone from my bag. My heart feels lighter at heart and happier.

Btw, I have lost about 2kg last few weeks, being stressed out by the UOL exams.Didn't sleep well and eat well.... haiz blame the MSM paper! I have scared out of my wits. Hopefully, the marks are going to turn out well for Law. Coz I really put in a lot of effort in preparing for this paper.

Phew! (O_O)"

The questions came out as what I had expected. Anyway, I pampered myself for dinner today. I had an enjoyable and assumptious dinner with my SIM pals, Sipei, Fel, Eva and my dear sis at Ritz Marina. All thanks to our "Mama No.2" Eva! Always treat us to good food...I feel so fortunate to have known her. I like the beef and the desserts! so nice!

We had the buffet and on top of that, we ordered "Sha bo duo fu" and carrot cake prepared by chef Ng. Feel so honoured... :p The feeling was so good meeting up and chat and chat ...We had a great time together. Almost forgotten the time... chatted until almost 10pm! Luckily pei's bf was there to drive us home. Thanks pei. Now I am already looking forward for our mini party after the exams!!!

(Now going to relax and rest for tonite....will continue my FR marathon tmrw~)


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