Sunday, May 01, 2005

Grandma is gone forever... :( ... sob sob

7am in the morne, and i was awaken by a call from aunt.

I rushed to the hospital and to the intensive care unit.

There was grandma on the hospital bed, lying lifelessly.

It was unbeliveable as I thought this time would be the

same as the last few times she's in hospital...thinking

that she'll be fine soon and discharged some days later.

Nvr did i expect such things to happen. I took the last look

of her before the doctor remove the breathing equipments

from her. Her brain was dead, heart has stopped beating.

There was no pulse. My aunts and uncle were there too.

All of us were devastated by the sudden news and teared.

I came back home to pack some stuffs.... later going to

the wake area... so won't be updating anything these

few days.


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