Saturday, May 14, 2005

Horrible Paper! MSM...I hate you!

Guess this is the first time I ever felt so frantic and lost in exam in my whole life! This is definitely going to be a terrible paper...(got the feeling I am going to re-sit again next year).

Really got to ratter on to let go my anger! I entered the exam hall thinking that this paper sure can score! Who knows all the past year questions were useless! All the topics that used to come out all went missing this year! Wondering who's the wicked examiner this yr??? Such a jerk!

Why is it so unfair that the previous batches of students can score As and not this batch. Think it's suay! How can they have suddenly change the standards without prior warnings.

Now getting more stressed to chiong real hard my next paper...LAW OF BIZ ORGANISATION. Left only some revision and memorisations. Hopefully can remember all the case laws and argue well in exams.

To all my friends taking exams now....




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