Sunday, April 10, 2005

Simple & Lazy weekend

This is a lazy weekend for me and I have been resting at home.

All of a sudden, I feel that I have more time for myself...unlike the past.

I am very "guai" over the weekend.

I have been staying at home and tidying up my messy room, helping out with

some household chores and studying for my coming exam.

Now getting a bit scared of the exam coz this year got to do well... it's a must!

And I can see it coming in a month's time.


In the evening, Elin and I went to look for Biya at her workplace!

She's really becoming my idol! She slimmed down again! Everytime I see her, I

juz have the motivation to be like her... here comes my determination.

** Tomorow, I am going to eat real little, and
** Control my calories and fat intake !!!

Tomorow, I'll be accompaning Elin to Alexandra Hospital to remove her to wake up early. After which, we will be going to school to study.

Hey, here's some pics that I have taken juz now with our buddy, biya at Causeway point!~

Cheers ~


LOHO 碧雅 said...

aiyo... i feel so shy suddenly le... idol sia.. hahahaha... no la.. i where got so wei da to be ppl idol.. anyway i'm super sian now.. not working.. free then ask me out okie? tata!~ =)

Emily said... shy, gal. U should be proud of ur achievements. I am glad to have a friend like u, who have such strong determination and high aspirations. :P