Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Won't be blogging for sometime

I think it's time for me to stop blogging for

some time... life will be getting much busier

for the next few weeks. Will be having a week

full of revision lessons next week and plus my

tuitions in the morning and evenings.

My life is going to be real packed

But at least it makes me feel that I utilise my

time fully ... More meaningful!


Went swimming with Elin today.

The weather was good...

The sun was not too scorching and it was

considered rather cloudy during our 1 hour swim.

I was glad that I've improved my swimming skill!

I have also overcomed my phobia of swimming in

the middle of the pool :D

That was great! so relaxing!

it's a pity Zh was not around with us today.

She misses a good show!

Nvr mind, now she can read from here...

Haha... we met with a "chi ko beh" at the pool.

He kept looking at us in the pool, under the water.

It was obvious, but we tried to ignore him.

You can see him half squating in the pool,

going up and down when we were swimming towards

his direction!

Can sense his "wolf face & tail" coming out!!!!

My goggles was a little scratched and thus quite

blur(Yah, got to get another new one again soon)

and so I did not see him in front of me.

Swimming a few laps continously was also v tiring

for me, so I took a little rest at the side of the


This "chi ko beh" took this opportunity to talk

to me when I happen to look at his direction.

He looked like being in late twenties or

early thirties.

Dark, tanned, but not handsome...

(typical chi ko beh look lor)

Started with a lame conversation:

"Today weather no good hor?"

I didn't comment much but replied with a "yah"

and smile. (In my heart, I was thinking... what a good day

... won't get dark.) Before I can swim away, he begin

to introduce himself.

After which asked me a few stupid questions

which I didn't comment much.

What's more interesting is he even showed off

his swimming skill to me in the pool.

challenged me if I can swim fast...

I simply replied that I am not a good swimmer

and too tired to play that with him.

Told Elin after that and we tried to avoid

resting beside him in the pool.

Before we left, he followed us to another corner

of the pool. Luckily, we were abt to leave that

time and he had no opportunity to say

further nonsense.

He juz said goodbye to us.


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