Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Did something very meaningful on Saturday. It was Global Volunteers' Day - a yearly company event. I was one of the volunteers who reported at 8am on Saturday.

This was my first attempt to participate in volunteer work and felt particularly excited. We were supposed to bring a group of primary school children to visit the Singapore Discovery Center. I could feel as thought I have returned back to my childhood days where we went on school excursions.

The children were there early and they were waiting for us already! I saw the child assigned to my care. She's a 11-year-old Indian girl, named Malani. She gave me a mischeivous smile when she saw my number tag. Unlike our times, kids nowadays are more daring and outspoken.

During the ice breaking game, this little gal is sporting.. she simply grabbed my hands and pulled me to run to the finishing point. We almost got the prize.. felt quite guilty not able to run fast enough to get her a prize. I was lucky as this little girl was still easy to take care. At least she call me "jie jie". I met a Chinese boy, whom I was really surprised by his friendliness. He is not afraid of meeting strangers at all. He is Malani's classmate. He gave me a cheeky smile and self introduced. Seriously, I am pretty impressed by his courage to make the first move to get to know someone older than him. He said: "Hi, my name is Wen Jie. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" Without further delay, he grabbed my hands for handshake. I must say nowadays young children are really different. Wen Jie is a very interesting boy and he's talkative.. So good, kept me very entertained throughout the outing.

The day at the Singapore Discovery Center is quite fun as we can see the children enjoying themselves very much. We went on bus tour, played games and watched a 2D movie - Viking. During lunch, the kids are also very independent. They also took the initiative to help out in taking the pizzas and drinks. We felt more like friends than buddies. Though it was a short session spent together, but I can see that there are certain bonds established between the children and volunteers. The entire session ended at 2pm and we managed to return to cityhall at 3pm.

Initially I had plans to go ktv with Stella. However, seems that she has no voice after the session. We are both tired already. So went for coffee and shopping at Raffles City. Think Singapore having more and more perverts. We were both tailed by an perverted uncle. He was alone and looked perfectly normal. I only noticed him when Stella and I were trying on to some accessories at the push carts area at Level 3. I saw him bending and smiling to us when we looked into the mirror. Shit! We both ignored him. However, both of us became wary of him when we noticed him following us after visiting 3-4 shops. Both of us looked back at him very fiercely. We were very angry that he followed us and luckily he followed us no more. Phew! Glad our shopping mood was not spoiled by that irritating uncle..

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