Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tiring day! But I tell myself no matter what, I must write my blog! I have been very busy for the past few days. Busy shopping, movies, manicure, pedicure, eating and enjoying life before starting my new job. Of course, and celebrating my birthday!

Never thought that my 25th BIRTHDAY would be so memorable! Received lots of sms birthday wishes, gifts and birthday treats! Suddenly I realised there are so many people around me who cares for me. Wow.. felt so loved and I want to shout out a loud THANK YOU to everyone who has made me feel special.

Especially to my beloved sis, Danny, Peggy, Rane, Shannen and Lovell, who made our ktv session full of laughter! Know what Peggy: "You are always our kaixin guo". Kristal, Thanks for bringing me to such a beautiful place for dinner.. Well, so many more to thank: Eva, Yong Kheng, Zhiyi, Karen Ang, Zhihong, Jayson, Gordon, Karen Yee, Flora, Dawn, Jackson, Junguo, Vivian, Clarrie and Soon Chong. Of course, not forgetting my parents who drop me birthday sms while they are on holidays. It's really very kind and sweet of you all. Well, will post up photos of the birthday celebrations when I have time.

Had my 1st kickboxing session on Sunday morning. It was fun and I really enjoy it. So glad to find khaki for exercise on sundays. The trainer was nice to slow down the pace as there are many first-timers there. :P Monday was a tiring day.. coz muscles aching.. and i didn't had a good sleep the previous night. I was overly excited of my 1st day at work and afraid that I would overslept the next morning. Nevertheless, I am glad that things turn out well for me. So happy to see the colleagues once again. I am simply contented with life. Whenever I think about my job, I feel so excited as there are so much more to learn. Never had this feeling of satisfaction. Feel great! :)

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