Sunday, June 05, 2005

I am supposed to be lazying in bed on a Sunday morning... especially my exams are already over. But, it seems that I am so used to getting only a few sleep hours, and there are lots of things on my mind. Luckily my <(O_O)> darks rings weren't too bad.

Juz to keep u guys updated... I had my last paper at Expo last Friday... guess wat? I saw my poly friend Esther! It has been a long time eversince she stopped working at Lee Hwa. Haha...I actually met in the toilet! (A funny place I got to see her.) I can still recognise her voice while in the cubicles... and she was amazed by my voice recognition talent. Too bad, I was too tensed and stress up by the exam, and we didn't have time to catch up further.

The CBIS paper turns out to be quite ok for me...but generally I think it's a little harder than the previous years. The questions were phrased in a more general way and had to really understand the subject well in order to answer them well. After the exams, I really feel so great! So happy.... I went for dinner and a little shopping at Bugis with Elin. Bugis village changed a little again! More shops were extended upstairs and the shops there somehow resembles Hong kong. There are many nice clothings... Elin bought an "office looking" jacket... look a-like to mango's style. kiasu rite... we are already looking out for office attire even before getting a job. Anyway, that was a bargain too great to miss! Plus the auntie was so friendly and nice, really enjoyed browsing at her shop.



I started to become worried... yes... worried about job. Hope to get a job asap because my next school term will only start in September and I cannot be lofting around wasting time and doing nothing. Moreover, I will be left with 2 modules nxt semester... So intend to switch to part-time studies. Friends out there... pls keep me informed if you have any lobang k!

Spent the wonderful Saturday tidying up my room and singing my all-time favourite karaoke!

Miss some of my gfs... coz they are still having their exams. So Ah hui, ah pei & ah fel, "jia you" woh!!! Really miss hanging out with u gals coz it's always so fun and unforgettable... haha! looking forward to our mini party, rollerblade, ktv and swimming outings... :p

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