Friday, June 10, 2005

8th June 2005!!! Our mini party!!!

Wah...hahaha....Had a gals' night out clubbing at zouk on wednesday, with my uni friends peipei, zh, ade and my lovely sis! It's a pity Fel did not join in the fun...nvr mind nxt time we go again. Got to miss watching Superstar...but think nvr regret coz i enjoyed myself so much! It had been such a long time, ever since we gals last party together. It was very crowded and that night there were many pretty! all dressed to kill loh!

Anyway, the drinks were quite cheap that nite as they have promo goin on. Thanks for Zh's great idea playing the game "hai dai hai dai.........!" haha....although i was new to the game, but ur actions really made me laugh throughout the nite! The music was also great and i managed to learn a few dance moves. Hehe....also quite a few stylo-milo guys there. Yah.....elin and i agreed that the guy in red, standing on the middle platform was really "macho"!

We partied all the way until almost 3am......

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