Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Finally watched Madagascar

Finally, I managed to catch the popular cartoon, Madagascar today!!! Haha... it was really hilarious! Kept laughing throughout the show... Overall, I like the penguins and little squirrel with big round eyes... coz they are so cute.

There were many kids at the theatre today. But somehow i think they helped to make the whole show more interesting by making lots of funny sound effects during the funny scenes. I realised that nowadays kids are living very comfortably. Most of them were having picnics at the cinema, with french fries, popcorns, burgers, coke and chips... and some even wearing the madagascar t-shirts.


Also went for my dental today. Quite disappointed as my dentist says I'll still need to wear my braces for another one or two months. I am eagerly looking forward for this day to come. Think because I have missed my previous dental appointments, this time round turns out to quite painful session for me. Oh dear, even tonight I'll have to put on the extra rubbers on. Hope I can sleep well...coz it's becoming more and more painful now...got to bear with it. :(

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