This is the poster of my favourite TV show, the female lead actress is in the middle.

Some act-cute photos! Haha... was in love with the HongKong drama series "Tian Soon Ye Ye". How's my hairstyle? I am trying to immitate the lead actress's dress-style! Jap jap type lor?

For comparison sake, this is the normal me. Any comments? Act-cute image prettier?

The top view of the jewel box

The side drawer ...so sweet right?
Watched this movie on Friday night with Peg, Rane and Jayson. Couldn't believe it that this is the first time I m catching a movie with Peg. Haha... didn't realise it until Peg told me in the cinema. The storyline was rather nice as it reflect the political aspects of the media and government. But somehow, I was not very satisfied as I am expecting to watch something funny. I have been always wanting to watch the Big Momma's House or The Shaggy Dog. Hopefully can catch anyone of that movie next weekend with SC and Jeff. Too bad, Suling's having her exams, can't join us.
This week was sort of a short break for me. I have been quite bored staying at home even when the mock papers are over. Crab is always so busy with his driving, Taekwondo, and studies. So didn't dare to disturb him. Went swimming on Tuesday, and jogging on wednesday. No bad, think I have better stamina nowadays. Can jog longer distance and swim faster le...:) hehe! Don't think that I am so healthy lifestyle k, haha...I have also been indulging in good food recently! So worried that my exercising plan will be wasted.
Wednesday had Sakae buffet with Shiyun. Thursday met up Gavin and his friend Jasper, and had dinner at the Esplanade. It has been a long time since I went there. Didn't know that there's a stretch of hawker food stalls there and the Fried prawn noodle is superb! :P Really... Friday was Shiyun's birthday celebration! Went school study with Germaine. Later met with the others at Cafe Cartel for dinner. The service there is super slow! Nevertheless, enjoyed the wonderful meal there. Bought a little jewel box for the birthday gal. It's so sweet and princessy! Hope she will like it.
Yesterday went to see my little "boyfriend". (That's my little cousin - The one with honey lips) He's getting more and more intelligent. I love kids and he's just so adorable. I enjoy being entertained by with his funny faces/actions and his endless questions.
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